The external male genitalia consists of the penis and testicles. Other structures such as the vas deferens and epididymis form part of the male genital tract.
The testicles lie within tissues and skin that is known as the scrotum. Sperm and the male hormone testosterone are produced by the testicles.
What is are the risk factors?
Testicular cancer is less common than other cancers. Approximately 2,300 men in the UK are diagnosed with testicular cancer each year. It is more common in younger men (those aged under 35 years).
What are the symptoms of testicular cancer?
Symptoms may include a lump in the testicle area, a heavy feeling of the testicle, discomfort or pain. It should be noted that these symptoms can all be caused by non-cancerous conditions and hence the importance to seek medical advice promptly to allow further assessment.
How is testicular cancer treated?
Testicular cancers are amongst the more treatable cancers and have better outcomes than many other types of cancer.
The mainstay of treatment is surgical removal of the affected testicle (orchidectomy). Sometimes chemotherapy or radiotherapy may have a role in treatment.