An expert’s take on dealing with kidney stones

Understanding kidney stones

Kidney stones are minute-sized nuggets formed by calcium oxalate deposits in the kidneys. Normally, these mineral fragments are passed off in urine and you don’t experience any pain. But, as the mineral grains grow larger in size, they are unable to fit through the tiny urethral ducts. These mineral deposits can grow to reach the size of a golf ball. According to, the pain that ensues with kidney stones is often comparable to that experienced during childbirth.

Kidney stones are caused by several underlying factors such as dehydration, genetics, diet, medical conditions, and certain medications.

Kidney stone symptoms

Normally, the calcium oxalate won’t cause any pain to the individual as they pass out smoothly while urinating. You only begin to experience pain once the mineral deposits migrate to your ureter. Here are the common symptoms associated with advanced kidney stones formation:-

• Blood stained urine
• Nausea and vomiting
• Presence of white blood cells in urine
• Severe groin pain
• Frequent urination
• Reduced urine volume
• Persistent chills and fevers


Kidney stones often lead to numerous complications. The most obvious effect is that the renal ducts become obstructed and you’re unable to pass urine freely. If left untreated, these mineral deposits trigger the onset of chronic renal disease.

Risk factors

• Age
• Gender
• Lifestyle
• Family background
• Medical conditions
• Certain medications


The most effective diagnostic procedures for kidney stones are via blood and urine testing, x-ray imaging and via analysis of the stones passed via urine.

Kidney stone treatment

The kidney stone treatment prescribed by your urologist is dependent on several factors, for instance, the underlying causes of the stones and the types of stones.

Small stones

According to, the most assured remedies for alleviating small stones which manifest minimal symptoms include: Drinking up to three litres of water per day and using mild painkillers like Advil, Tylenol or even using alpha blockers.

Large stones

Urologists use shock wave therapies such as the extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) to break down the larger-than-normal kidney stones. Parathyroid surgery is also effective with large kidney stones.

Get help

For advanced urology medical care services in Harrogate, UK, consult with Mr. Jonathan Gill. Dr. Jonathan Gill is a fellow of the Royal College of Sciences and a consultant urologist at the BMI The Dutchy Hospital.

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