Should you be worried about recurrent urinary tract infections?
Urinary tract infections can happen at any age and affect both men and women, although women are more likely to have a urinary tract infection (UTI). If you have recurring UTIs, should you be worried? Below we’ll explore why some people are more prone to UTIs, what causes them and what to do if you have recurrent UTIs.
What causes recurrent UTIs?
There is no simple answer to this, as there are many reasons why you might be experiencing recurrent UTIs. It may be due to a medical condition, abnormalities of the urethra, ureters, bladder, or it may be due to hormonal changes in the body that often happen post-menopause. UTIs occur because of a bacterial infection, but in many cases, simple lifestyle changes may lessen the chances of developing one.
Why do more women than men get UTIs?
This is basically down to anatomy. The urethra is shorter in women, which means that bacteria is more easily transferred into the bladder. There is also the fact that the anus and urethra are near each other, meaning that bacteria and faecal matter can easily pass into the urethra and travel towards the body.
What to do if you have a UTI?
If you think you have a UTI, which includes the symptoms of having to pass water more frequently, having an urgency to pass water, stinging sensation when urinating, cloudy urine and abdominal pain, then you must visit your GP who will confirm a UTI and will prescribe antibiotics. But there are a few things that you can do.
Drinking plenty of fluids can help flush out bacteria from the bladder. Women need to wipe front to back to avoid faecal matter entering the urethra, and emptying the bladder when you feel you have to go is a healthy habit to adopt as it prevents a build-up of bacteria.
What to do if you have recurrent UTIs
It’s important that you seek medical attention and that the reasons for this are fully investigated. Recurrent infections are classified as two episodes in six months, or if you have a UTI that lasts for more than 14 days.
If you are worried about suffering from recurrent urinary tract infections then a private urologist can help you. To book a consultation, please do get in touch with us today.